The term ‘science’ refers to the intellectual and practical activity, encompassing a systematic and empirical study of the relational structure and functional dynamics of the external world defined by ‘space’, ‘time’ and ‘consciousness’, through sense perception and experiment. The term ‘spirituality’, on the other hand, refers to the conscientious activity encompassing a voluntary and intuitive study of vagaries of internal world constituted by ‘body’, ‘mind’ and ‘intellect’. All scientific revelations could be perceived by spiritual means without any ambiguity, but not all spiritual revelations perceived likewise by scientific means. In other words, many spiritual truths and revelations cannot be explained using scientific terms. One can model all scientific theories in a deductive logical framework, whereas spiritual paradigms are theorized in an intuitionistic logical framework. Classical logic is fundamentally based on the law of excluded middle, that is an ordered dichotomy, whereas intuitionistic logic does not accept it. Of course, one can realize part of intuitionistic logic in constructive logical terms, which in turn advocates ‘potential realizability of infinity’ and not infinity as an existing entity.
Most of the spiritual theories evolved so far, each theory advocating certain ‘stringent religious principles and practices’, are closed under all kinds of social activities. Any closed system will contradict itself in some domain of interpretation, and turn into a ‘paradoxical’ system. All paradoxical systems indeed lead to confusions and self-contradictions causing lack of coordination and coexistence among their practitioners.
Today’s world experiences a threat to peace and harmony because science and spirituality are not properly understood in a holistic manner. It is in this context, one feels the necessity for creating awareness among people about understanding spirituality in science and science in spirituality, in order to develop functional procedures aiming at global peace and harmony. Read More..